
Showing posts from March, 2023

Insécurité à l’est de la RDC : “Quittez les groupes armés”

« Faut-il massacrer des congolais innocents pour une cause politique perdue d’avance ? » je me suis finalement demandé en apprenant sur les réseaux sociaux la présentation devant la Haute Cour militaire du député national Edouard Mwangachouchou. Le vendredi 3 mars 2023, la Haute Cour militaire ouvre le procès en flagrance de « l’homme fort » de Rubaya - Nord Kivu arrêté avec des munitions de guerre dans sa résidence de la Gombe à Kinshasa. Les congolais se souviendront des propos du président de l’Assemblée nationale, Christophe Mboso, un certain lundi du 29 mars 2021, demandant aux députés du Kivu de quitter les groupes armés. Ses propos raisonnent encore à nos oreilles... Il savait de quoi il parlait. L’interpellation de l’Honorable (sic !) Edouard Mwangachouchou, originaire du territoire de Masisi dans le Nord Kivu, pourrait certainement révéler la clé de la persistance de l’insécurité dans cette partie de notre pays. Il est regrettable de voir que certains originaires du ...

A Wasted Opportunity!

The United Nations Headquarters sent a formal message to Mali announcing a high-level visit of a President whose country is one of the main troop contributors to the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. The Head of Office convened a meeting to discuss the agenda items and the format. All senior staff were in attendance. A PowerPoint presentation with the challenges that the Mission was facing was retained as the only way to keep the President abreast of the situation on the ground and to inform him and his delegation of a way forward. The security situation in the northern province of Gao, Mali, was very alarming. The United Nations Peacekeeping Mission kept on losing its soldiers/peacekeepers almost every week due to asymmetric warfare and complex terrorist attacks mounted by jihadists. The President’s first-ever visit to the main theatres of military and humanitarian operations was a golden opportunity for the Mission to propose innovative solutions that could help the UN...

Sir, Please Fasten Your Sit Belt!

“Covering a night surveillance and reconnaissance mission was a life changing, eye opening experience” – Daniel Massamba Meboya The voice of the German Pilot, Captain Schutz, serving in the United Nations peacekeeping operations in Mali is still ringing in my ears. “Sir, Please Fast Your Sit Belt” as I took place aboard the Franco-German Tiger combat helicopter that had to conduct a night military surveillance and reconnaissance mission at the Mali-Algeria borders. That was my first time to provide a coverage of a night patrol as I just joined the Mission in January 2014. To be honest, I did not really enjoy the ride. It was Wednesday at 6pm where my iPhone rang. I just got home after a busy day in the office. “Mr. Meboya, this is the Commander of the United Nations peacekeeping Forces. Please be at the Mixed Operational Command Office at 9pm sharp. You are taking part in a night patrol.” My blood boils and my pulse races and I imagine myself in the sky at night in a very ...